
Composition Platform: Ableton (+ MaxForLive)
[1] 140919_colthyi is made by resampling/rerecording an improvisation. The resampled audio is split into equal-sized slices & pseudo-randomly resequenced. This is done separately for each track & at times tracks are merged together & effected simultaneously.


Composition Platform: Ableton (+ MaxForLive) & Audio Hijack Pro
[2] 140919_colthyi-udx5ot begins the same as the above. The CPU is intentionally overloaded by increasing simultaneous processing, as a refix of 140919_colthyi. To render the final, it is necessary to render externally since Ableton is crashing.

When Time Yawns

A poem by Lendl Barcelos written in 11 consecutive days. 1 day, 1 stanza. Independently each can stand on its own, yet adjacent cohesive sense blooms.

When time yawns my thots
gesture toward new singularities
opening my body to any unknown
All certainties become illegible
forgotten sites of indifference
my horizon grows indeterminate
Anxiety creeps behind attempts
to predict possible futures
outside semblance of possibility
Ambient pressures contract
the virtual flooding the present
sensed as an indefinite collapse
Thru a history drawn by residue
I fail again to recall this present
decomposing endlessly to nil
I am seduced into a hole to hide
away fearful asymmetries of time
when revolution is not retrograde
Darkness mutes all perception
beyond ecstasy without escape
still I sound out to bear silence
Lips silently ripped open crying
for any alien presence to intrude
but these do not heed my call
An emptied invocation seduces
none but myself needing reality
laced with solipsistic comfort
All signs of ego dissolve
betraying an insensible beacon
when time yawns & thot persists
Thot injected from another grows
faint without traces of distinction
inventing boundaries to remain